Spantastik | ™ Winterfest 2014 Day One Finally Drops

Peep game.

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“Spantastik started off the 2014 season with a bang bringing out newly inducted videographer/editor Tristan “Garbo” Barrier shooting his first official event with Spantastik and editing his first event video……THIS ONE! Span and Tristan trekked down south to San Antonio, TX for the 1st annual Winterfest presented by AVID Extreme Sports and Animal Customs! Alex Martinez of San Antonio Xfactor was kind enough to host the amazing event and in usual Texas fashion “Winterfest” was a comfortable 65-75 degrees all weekend but the action was much hotter! This was Tristan’s first paintball edit for Spantastik, let him know what you think boys and girls! Stay positive, stay dank, and as always, REP THE S!!!” – Youtube Spantastik Media | ™

Filmed by:
Tristan Barrier
Jonathan Spaniol
Rashad Goff

Edited by:
Tristan Barrier
Twitter: @hstreetind
Instagram: @hstreetind